Mazzoni will attend Interpack 2017

That will be held in Dusseldorf, Germany from 4th to 10th May.

Hall 6 booth 6B15

We shall be glad to meet you there to illustrate our latest innovative technical solutions in process plants and finishing lines for soap production.

You are kindly requested to confirm your interest to Mrs. Roberta Olgiati
phone: +39 0331 356308

We take this opportunity to remind you  ACMA/MAZZONI Open House that will be held from 2nd to 12th May in our premises of Busto Arsizio, contemporary to Interpack. We shall present the newest Ultra High Speed finishing line including STUR-ULTRA soap press and ACMA  wrapper SW 700-D capable achieving speeds of 700 bpm. Production runs with soap will be held twice a day.

An unique opportunity to know each other better.