Soap Process Plants
Modern soap making process plants have been invented by Mazzoni: the first vacuum dryers were installed during the late 40’, the first continuous saponification plants were installed during the late 50’. A strong R&D program involving a team of 12 engineers and investment of approx 1,500,000 $ grant our undisputed leadership with an estimated market share superior to 80%.
More than 500 continuous saponification plants have been installed with plant capacities available from 3 to 20 tph:
– SCNT-N full boiled saponification with glycerine recovery
– SCT-U universal continous saponification plan for fatty acids neutralization and neutral oils saponification SWING
More than 1.000 vacuum dryers have been successfully installed all over the world with plant capacities from 1 to 15 tph. The revolutionary “NO SPRAY” Vacuum Chamber was introduced during 2005: more than 150 units are in operation since then granting important production savings with simplified equipment design.
The “Integrated Process Plants”, first introduced by Mazzoni more than 10 years ago, featuring a continuous saponification SCT-U directly connected with the “C” vacuum dryer allows flexible and versatile operations with consequent competitive manufacturing costs and significant utilities saving, friendly to the environment operation, limited maintenance and reduced area requirement.
The “Perfect plant” innovative design grants the most logical ergonomic set up with minimal installation area required, best piping/cable route, easiest operation. The perfect plant layout permits adding at any time additional devices such as liquid/powder fillers dosing systems, superfatting agents, glycerin, dyes dosing systems the formulas may require without any space constraint nor layout modification.
Our Machinaries
Different type of machinaries by Mazzoni LB